Friday, July 17, 2009

Protecting Yourself from Lawsuits

Protecting Yourself from Lawsuits

If you’re doing business on the Internet, above all else, you MUST take the necessary steps to protect yourself and your business. If you’re not displaying the required legal forms on your web site, such as copyright, disclaimers and terms of service forms, you could literally lose EVERYTHING!

Please, don’t take this point lightly. All it takes is one bogus lawsuit to lose everything you’ve worked for and everything you own.

There are thousands upon thousands of frivolous law suits filed against innocent, unsuspecting business owners each day. The truth is anyone, at anytime, can file a lawsuit against anyone.

First and foremost, you MUST take the necessary steps to protect yourself from these gold diggers.

There a few different routes you can take:
  1. Contact an attorney – preferably, one who specializes in the Internet – and have these special documents drawn up. However, this option can be very expensive, as accomplished Lawyers charge $250 or more per hour – and, the more accomplished and/or Specialized Lawyers charge $350 or more.
  2. Spend hours doing your own research and write the documents yourself. However, this option is very risky, as even the smallest omission in your legal documents could cost you a fortune.
  3. Invest in a software program called, AutoWebLaw. This phenomenal software program was created by Bruce Safran, a Legal Specialist, and will dynamically generate your legal forms for you with all your information automatically placed in the proper fields -- ready to copy and paste into your websites and products.

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